Friday, April 27, 2012

Our Adventures to Urgent Care

So a lot of people have been asking me what happened to Ellie earlier this week, so I'll take a few minutes and expain them to you. So this last Tuesday I took Ellie to the park to play. She was throughly enjoying herself playing underneath the swings when a mom and her two kids (a 5 year old, and a 7 month old) came to the park. The little girl came up to the swing where Ellie was playing underneath and decided to grab the swing and push it towards Ellie. Well Ellie being interested at the situation stood up right when the swing got cocked back and hit her right inbetween the eyes. She hit the ground faster then I could grab her, and she immediately let out this shrieking cry. When I got to her and picked her up, the brige on her nose had already turned black and blue, and had begun swelling up. I quickly got her home, because I was afraid that her nose was broken. I turned to my EMT husband while he was at work to asking what to do. He told me to get her in as soon as possible.
(this was taken 10 min after it happened) So we took her in, all looked well. They told us to bring her back if she started acting strange, throwing up, the usual checklist. So the next day she started to look better, the swelling was starting to go down she was doin great. Then the day after that, she threw up early in the morning, twice before her nap, and on the way back down to Urgent Care. After the doctor saw her, she got diagnosed with a virul flu. Poor kid has had a heck of a week. Yesterday she started perking up again, being able to keep food down, same as today. But she's still incredibly cranky and irritable. (I'm sure she's still sore from being knocked in the face, plus the residual flu crap in her body) So we hope she'll be able to get back up on her feet soon!


So! I realized it's been a few months since I wrote in my blog. Just thought I'd update on some things that have happened to us in the last few months. First and foremost! We got a car!! It's not super nice, and it has some stuff that needs to be worked on but Sean and I find it one of the biggest blessings we've gotten this year! It shakes, rattles, and rolls sometimes but it get's Sean to work, and it gives me the ability to be a Mobile Mommy!! We love it!
The other big thing that has happened was Sean got hired as an EMT at Pridemark/Rural Metro Ambulance Company. Right now he is on a General Transport rig, but hopes to get on an EMS rig ASAP! He loves his job! I am so proud of him in how hard he's working for our family :D
I am so thankful for all that God has blessed our family with! I am so grateful to have such a loving and devoted Husband who takes care of me and our little Ellie! He is such an amazing father to her!