Friday, April 27, 2012


So! I realized it's been a few months since I wrote in my blog. Just thought I'd update on some things that have happened to us in the last few months. First and foremost! We got a car!! It's not super nice, and it has some stuff that needs to be worked on but Sean and I find it one of the biggest blessings we've gotten this year! It shakes, rattles, and rolls sometimes but it get's Sean to work, and it gives me the ability to be a Mobile Mommy!! We love it!
The other big thing that has happened was Sean got hired as an EMT at Pridemark/Rural Metro Ambulance Company. Right now he is on a General Transport rig, but hopes to get on an EMS rig ASAP! He loves his job! I am so proud of him in how hard he's working for our family :D
I am so thankful for all that God has blessed our family with! I am so grateful to have such a loving and devoted Husband who takes care of me and our little Ellie! He is such an amazing father to her!

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